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Hi, My name is Deb.

It’s always been my dream to be a Mom.

So, I decided that even though I am single, I didn’t want to put my dream on hold any longer. I am not able to have children on my own, but I am financially stable, and emotionally ready to become a mom. I feel adoption is a beautiful way to make a family, and I’m absolutely ready to make my dream come true.

And if the right man does come along, he will only be right for me if he is a good man & a wonderful Daddy.

About Me
I live in Brooklyn, NY. My neighborhood is truly amazing, it has great parks, schools, shops and it’s filled with families. It’s also the neighborhood where the Cosby Show was filmed. That’s my cat Attie licking my nose, she’s the sweetest kitty!

I have the greatest job in the world! I work for a Kid’s TV channel…can you guess which one? LOL! Yes–that’s Chris Brown at the Kid’s Choice Awards.

I LOVE my job because I get paid to make kids laugh & smile!

This is me with my nieces Lindsey (top), Kylie (bottom) and my baby nephew Will. They live 45 minutes away–so I get to see them all the time.

The photo on the right is Lindsey, Kylie & Will Halloween 2008.

These are my parents, Marsha & Alan (holding Will). They are proud to be “Grammy & Poppa” & love spending time with their grandchildren.

My Mom is a retired teacher & my Dad is a retired businessman.

They live about 1 hour from me & are so excited to have a new grandchild!

This is my sister Michelle and brother in law Eric with Lindsey, Kylie & Will. Michelle & I are very close and love hanging out together. Michelle is a 4th grade teacher, and Eric also works in Kids TV (with me!). Pretty much everyone in my family has dedicated their lives to working with children.

After dinner- my nieces wanted to have a Christmas “Dance Party”! My whole family got up and danced around the room like crazy! I think we were actually dancing to the Spice Girls!

I’m a very involved Auntie! When Lindsey & Kylie were smaller– I let them draw on me (and themselves) with washable marker before they had to take a bath! That’s me helping Kylie get ready for her Tap Dance recital.

These are my closest friends in the world! Jessica (left), Deb (middle …we have the same name), Amy (right) and me. We have been BFFs since we were 15 years old. This is us having a spa day together to celebrate Jessica’s birthday.

We have been there for each other during good times and bad, laughter, tears, weddings, and children. We’ve created a great extended family of friends and I’m so grateful to have them in my life.

I love spending time with family & friends, going to the beach & to parks, seeing movies, listening to music and traveling. I have been lucky enough to have traveled all over the world. Below are photos from trips South America and Australia.
But my favorite place of all is Africa! I have spent time in both Tanzania & Kenya.

Now you’ve gotten to see a bit about me and all the beautiful people in my life. I hope that you and your baby would consider being a part of my family tree.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting to know me.
Please feel free to call me, I’m happy to share any information that will help you feel informed and comfortable. Deb @ 1-888-935-1718

I also have a very kind lawyer, who is also happy to answer any questions:
Lisa Gibbons @ 1-800-966-2220

Whatever your decision may be, I wish you all the goodness in the world, and hope that life is kind to you.

Love, Deb